Figuring out how much you lot owe the IRS is an important showtime step in getting a handle on any back taxes yous may potentially owe. But even a uncomplicated question can exist complicated when it comes to the IRS. Figuring out rapidly if yous owe the IRS is crucial to avoid financial challenges like wage garnishment, liens and bank account levies. This guide explains all the ways you tin effigy out if – and how much – you lot owe in taxes to the IRS.

Signs you may owe the IRS

  • You receive an IRS drove notice letter
  • Your wages are garnished
  • You receive a property lien
  • You don't receive your taxation refund

Tabular array of Contents

Figure out how exactly much you owe the IRS with 2 minutes of effort

If you're a DIY enthusiast that's adamant to handle your federal taxation bill on your own, nosotros give you step-by-step instructions below. Just be prepare for some hoops that you lot'll need to leap through. But if yous're looking for the fastest, easiest way to see how much y'all owe the IRS with born solutions, click the Get Started button below.

Find out exactly how much you owe the IRS with a free assessment that will recommend solutions based on your needs and budget.

Go StartedCall To Action Link

How works

  1. Complete the form to authorize the IRS to allow them to collect your information.
  2. Click the link your confirmation email to consummate a quick lx-second financial survey. will and then get in contact with the IRS to a summary of your unpaid taxes. Then their team will review the information to provide recommendations on what you should practice based on your situation. They'll also flag everything you need to pay attending to, including:

  • Unfiled returns
  • Any outstanding tax liability
  • Tax liens
  • Pending audits

You lot will receive your confidential, comprehensive assessment past post within 7-10 business days. The report will include recommendations for getting out of tax debt from a licensed tax practitioner. Potential solutions include Installment Agreements, which ready a payment plan and an Offering in Compromise, which settles tax debt for less than y'all owe.

Why practise I need makes information technology easy to see exactly how much yous owe the IRS, in total. Even if y'all've received an IRS collection detect, you lot may non know exactly how much you owe. Collection notices generally only apply to a single filing year. You may owe multiple years of taxes and could be facing punishment interest up to 25% of what you lot owe.

In addition, the free tax analysis that you receive will come up with built-in solutions based on your financial situation. If you lot contact the IRS directly, they'll be happy to tell you what you owe, but not what to practise nigh it.

How practice I know if I owe the IRS – DIY instructions

If you don't demand a gratuitous assessment of solutions to eliminate your tax debt, then simply contact the IRS direct. Yous can check how much yous owe the IRS online or over the phone. You will demand to provide your date of birth and Social Security number. If y'all're using the online account portal, yous'll need some extra data as well.

Finding out if y'all owe the IRS through

One of the IRS' leading online tools allows you to create and view your tax account through the IRS revenue enhancement account portal.

However, you here are some things yous demand to know earlier you attempt to log on:

  1. Y'all can only access this portal at sure times:
    1. Money vi:00 AM – Saturday 9:00 PM (EST)
    2. Sunday x:00 AM – midnight
    3. The IRS notes that the site may be down boosted hours on Sunday for routine maintenance
  2. You need more than information besides your Social Security number:
    1. Your current filing status (single, married filing jointly, married filing separately, head of household or qualifying widower)
    2. The mailing address of your last tax return
    3. An email address and mobile telephone with your proper noun on the account
    4. An account number for a mortgage, credit card or other agile loan that'due south in your proper name

If you're missing whatsoever of that information, and then you won't be able to utilise the online portal. This includes having a prison cell telephone programme in someone else'due south name.

Once yous get into the account portal, it will prove y'all:

  • Your payoff corporeality as of that calendar date
  • The taxes due (balance) from each year of taxes that yous owe
  • Any payment history you have, going back 24 months (2 years)
  • Information well-nigh the previous year'southward tax filing as originally filed

You lot can review this information, request a transcript or select an electronic payment choice to pay your taxes. However, the IRS won't go into any details about the various options yous take for repayment. And they certainly won't recommend options for reducing how much you owe, such equally tax debt settlement and penalty abatement.

Call the IRS to find out how much you owe

If you don't have all the required information to utilize the online portal, the IRS offers a toll-free hotline. For individual taxpayers, the number is ane-800-829-1040. Y'all can whatsoever 24-hour interval from vii:00 AM to 7:00 PM local time.

What to do once you detect out if you owe the IRS

Act quickly! Tax penalties and penalization involvement stack upward quickly on dorsum taxes. A few thousand-dollar problem tin speedily rack upwardly penalties to become tens of thousands of dollars. The longer you wait, the deeper the hole y'all'll need to dig out of. The IRS tin can apply penalties upwards to 45% of your balance every month. And those penalties accrue regardless of your power to pay them.

If you contacted the IRS directly, you will need to observe a licensed tax attorney to review your options for revenue enhancement debt relief. If you used the gratuitous tax cess from, then information technology volition list the full range of options directly on your study. The licensed tax practitioner will provide recommendations based on fiscal limitations you explained in your survey. That fashion, you lot can get a head kickoff on solving your challenges with revenue enhancement debt as soon as you see exactly how big those challenges are.

Article concluding modified on April 5, 2022. Published by, LLC

Reviewed By

Jacob Dayan