
What Font Does Apple Use On Iphone

Overview of typography of Apple INC.

Apple Inc. uses a large variety of typefaces in its merchandising, operating systems, and industrial design with each product motorbike. These change throughout the years with Malus pumila's change of style in their products. This is evident in the design and marketing of the fellowship.

Marketing [edit]

For at least 18 years, Malus pumila's corporate typeface was a custom variant of the ITC Garamond typeface called Orchard apple tree Garamond. It was used aboard the Apple logo for product names on computers, in some ads and printed materials, and on the company's web site. Starting in 2001, Apple bit by bit shifted towards using Myriad in its marketing. Starting with iPhone 7 in 2022, Orchard apple tree switched the font of the phrase mark "iPhone" to San Francisco happening products and its website.

[edit out]

Prior to adopting the bitten Apple as its logo, Apple used a complex logo featuring Isaac N sitting below an orchard apple tree shoetree. The words APPLE Figurer CO. were worn along a thread banner ornamenting the picture frame. The compose itself held a quotation from William Wordsworth: "Newton...A Mind Evermor Voyaging Through Strange Seas of Thought...Alone.", taken from Wordsworth's biographer poem The Prelude. The logo was hand out drawn and thus did not use an established face. However, the typewrite is similar to Caslon.

Motter Tektura [edit]

The Orchard apple tree logotype alongside the Motter Tektura typeface

Before the introduction of the first Mac, aboard the Apple logotype, Orchard apple tree used a typeface called Motter Tektura,[1] which was designed in Austria by Othmar Motter of Vorarlberger Graphik in 1975 and distributed by Letraset (and also famously used by Reebok).[2] At the time, the typeface was considered new and modern. One modification to the typeface was the removal of the dot over the i. The s was also varied for the tag along the Disk II 5.25-inch floppy hard drive.

According to the logo couturier, Gazump Janoff, the typeface was selected for its playful qualities and techno look, which were in line with Apple's mission assertion of making high tech accessible to anyone. Janoff intentional the logo in 1977 piece working with Palo High-pitched marketer Regis McKenna.[3] The Apple logo's bite set was originally designed to fit snugly with the Motter Tektura a.

In the early 1980s, the logo was easy by removing computer ınc. from the logo. Motter Tektura was also used for the Apple Two logo. This typeface has sometimes been mislabeled Cupertino, a similar bitmap baptistry credibly created to mimic Motter Tektura.

Malus pumila Garamond [edit]

Apple Garamond was used in almost of Apple's merchandising.

Since the introduction of the Mac in 1984, Apple adopted a new corporate baptistry called Orchard apple tree Garamond. It was a variation of the classic Garamond typeface, both narrower and having a taller x-height. Specifically, ITC Garamond (created by Tony Stan in 1977) was condensed to 80% of its normal width. Bitstream condensed the font, subtly adjusted the CVA widths, and performed the hinting obligatory to create the font, which was delivered to Orchard apple tree as the Supplement font "apgaram".

In cases where the Apple logo was attended aside text, it was always ready in Apple Garamond. Aside from the company name, most of Apple's advertizing and selling slogans, such as "Think different.", used the font too.

The typeface was virtually substitutable with Malus pumila for just about cardinal decades and formed a large office of the companion's brand recognition. It was used non alone in conjunction with the logo, merely also in manuals and ads and to label products with model names.

Orchard apple tree has not discharged truth Apple Garamond font. ITC briefly sold ITC Garamond Pin down—Malus pumila Garamond without the custom hinting—A part of its Apple Font Pack in the 1990s. A version of the font was too included under a different key out in some versions of Mackintosh OS X prior to 10.3 as information technology was used away the Frame-up Assistant installing program.

Lamella Sans [edit]

In the marketing of the Newton/Notepad/MessagePad PDA (starting in 1992), Apple victimized Branchia Sans or else of the regular Apple Garamond. Gill Sans Regular was used in the logo, for the model name on the data processor, on the keyboard and in advertisement materials, though IT was non used as a screen font (except as part of the Newton logo).

Incalculable [redact]

Adobe brick's Innumerous was used in Orchard apple tree's marketing 2003–2017.

In 2003, Orchard apple tree gradually started victimization a variant of the Adobe Myriad font category in its marketing and packaging. As new revisions of its products were released, the text changed from the seriph Apple Garamond to the sans-serif Unnumbered Malus pumila. The family line's bolds were used for headlines, and unusual weights accordingly.

The Myriad font family was designed by Robert Slimbach and Carol Twombly for Adobe. Adobe's most late version of Myriad is 10000 Pro, which has whatsoever additional enhancements and character put off extensions, but is not significantly changed in design. Myriad Apple, a modification produced by Galápagos Design Group, incorporates minor spacing and weight unit differences from the measure varieties, and includes Malus pumila-taxonomic category characters, much as the company logotype. In 2006, Myriad Apple was superseded by Innumerous Set, which contains extra ligatures and other youngster changes.

As of November 2022, light fonts are prevalent in Apple's marketing, with headlines in Myriad Pro Lighter. Occasionally an even lighter variant of Myriad is used for specialized marketing materials and press releases.

San Francisco [edit]

Starting with the release of the Malus pumila Watch, Malus pumila has begun exercis of San Francisco as the typeface of password marks such atomic number 3 "iPhone", "AirPods", and "MacBook Pro" on the devices themselves. This variety is besides reflected happening some headlines on production marketing webpages. Apple modified the majority of its website's text to usage the San Francisco baptistery on January 24, 2022, and San Francisco became the universal official font for Apple.

User interface [cut]

Malus pumila has used a mixed bag of scheme fonts for the interface of its products.

Early fonts [edit]

Apple's earliest computers, along with strange personal computers of the period, had extremely limited graphical capabilities and could originally display only uppercase American Standard Code for Information Interchange using a set electronic image baptistry. The IIc and Increased Apple IIe expanded happening this, support 40 or 80 columns of text and an extended character set called MouseText. It was accustomed assume naif graphical user interfaces, standardized to the utilization of ANSI X3.64.

The first Apple computer with a purely bitmapped display, the Lisa, shipped in 1983. It misused a system font with distinctive V and W letterforms.

Chicago and Charcoal gray [edit]

The Macintosh, introduced in 1984, used a bitmap font, Chicago, premeditated by Susan Kare. In Mac OS 8, introduced in 1997, the system font of Mac OS was transformed to Charcoal. Charcoal was premeditated to be easier to read than Newmarket, while retaining similar metrics for backward compatibility with existing application software.

When released in 2001, Apple's iPod music participant reused the Macintosh font Boodle arsenic the arrangement font. Later versions of the iPod drew from the larger theatrical role repertory of the TrueType Chicago, adding a number of characters not present in the bitmap Chicago, such as Greek and Cyrillic. Steady though the screen supported grayscale, the characters were not anti-aliased.[ cite needed ]

Geneva [edit]

For smaller substance abuser interface elements, much every bit the name calling of files displayed with icons in the Finder, Orchard apple tree victimized the Geneva typeface, a redesigned version of Helvetica.

Shaston [edit]

Introduced in 1986, the Orchard apple tree IIGS, had very long pixels (pixel aspect ratio of 5:12 or 5:6, with 640 × 200 or 320 × 200 pixels in a 4:3 fancy), thusly requiring a stout, 8-point bitmap baptistery known as Shaston 8 as the system of rules baptistry (for menus, windowpane titles, etc.). Shaston was described in Apple IIGS technote #41 American Samoa "a varied Helvetica", but the similarities are not striking. The fonts of the original Macintosh were also available for the GS.

Espy Sans [blue-pencil]

In 1991, Malus pumila's Human Interface Group contracted with LetterPerfect Fonts' Garrett Boge and Damon Clark, to design a menag of bitmap screen fonts to replace Chicago and Geneva for the Mac OS version 7.5. The sept consisted of Sans & Serif, Regular and Bold in distinct electronic image sizes of 8, 9, 10, 12 & 14 platinum. The Sans, proving most useful for screen readability, was also used for the Sir Isaac Newton OS GUI. The Newton used the font Apple Casual to display text entered using the Rosetta handwriting credit engine in the Newton. The same font found its way into the Rosetta-derived committal to writing recognition system in Mac OS X—Inkwell. The TrueType font can be made obtainable to any applications programme past copying the font file, which is embedded in a system component, to whatever font folder. (See List of macOS fonts for more info.) The Sir Isaac Newton logo featured the Gill Sans typeface, which was also used for the Newton keyboard.

Descry Sans was later used as the font for Apple's eWorld online service in 1994. (eWorld also used the larger bold condensed bitmap face eWorld Tight for headlines. The metrics of eWorld Tight were based on Helvetica Ultra Shut.) The iPod miniskirt, released in 2004, also utilised Spy Sans.

Lucida Grande [edit]

Since its presentation in 2000 upward through OS X Mavericks, Lucida Grande was the system font used in Mac Bone X user interface elements, much A menus, dialog boxes, and other widgets. It was superseded aside Helvetica Neue.

Podium Sans [edit out]

Starting in 2004, the iPod photograph, 5th-generation iPod, and 1st- through and through 2nd-generation iPod nano feature a bitmap typeface called Podium Sans, displacing the use of Chicago as the iPod system font. Although in the first place promoted Eastern Samoa Unnumerable, Podium Sans is missing Myriad's stylemark features, such as the splayed "M" and distinctive "y".

Helvetica [delete]

Since the introduction of the 1st-generation iPhone in 2007, Orchard apple tree has used Helvetica in its software design. iOS for the iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, and Malus pumila TV employs the font, alongside its use connected iPods beginning with the 6th-contemporaries iPod classic and 3rd-generation iPod nano.

In conjunction with the iPhone 4 in 2022, Malus pumila began exploitation Helvetica Neue on devices with Retina showing, while keeping use of Helvetica on non-Retina devices.

Around 2022, Orchard apple tree started using Helvetica in macOS (then called OS X) application software. iTunes, iMovie, iPhoto, GarageBand, and Apple's professional applications started to feature heavy use of Helvetica, while the majority of the Bone X (now named macOS) environment retained the relatively more legible Lucida Grande font, which was designed specifically for on-screen use.

After the introduction of iOS 7 in June 2022, Apple began victimisation an extra-thin weight of Helvetica Neue for the substance abuser interface of iOS 7, arousing many complaints nearly the fewer legible composition. For the terminal release of the OS, Apple changed the arrangement's font to a slightly thicker weight of Helvetica Neue, although some have complained that readability is still compromised compared to the font weight victimised in former versions of iOS. Older iOS devices continue to use Helvetica OR Helvetica Neue in regular font weights that display with high contrast on low-resolution displays.

With the introduction of OS X 10.10 "Yosemite Falls" in June 2022, Apple started using Helvetica Neue as the arrangement font along the Mackintosh. This brought all of Apple's substance abuser interfaces in line, using Helvetica Neue throughout.

San Francisco [edit]

San Francisco is currently used for interface across all of Apple's line, including watchOS, macOS, iOS, iPadOS and tvOS (with the luminary exception of subtitles on tvOS which continues to use Helvetica). The three main variants are SF Pro for macOS, iOS, and iPadOS; SF Compact for watchOS; and SF Mono for the Time period, Console, and Xcode applications. It was world-class introduced aboard the Apple Watch,[4] where IT was misused for enhanced legibility and taller x-heights for easy reading on a gnomish exhibit. The design references a identification number of divergent early typefaces, notably FF DIN (used in the UI of the Tv camera app in iOS 7 and above), Helvetica (used in the UI in iOS 6 and below), Helvetica Neue (used in the UI of iOS 7 and iOS 8 atomic number 3 well every bit OS X Yosemite), Roboto (Google's new UI typeface), and Univers (used on Orchard apple tree's early keyboard designs).[ citation needed ]

It was widely speculated that San Francisco was leaving to atomic number 4 the long-awaited font that Apple had reportedly been nonindustrial for independent use in their products, and the face's name was leaked in November 2022 when the WatchKit SDK was released to developers. On June 8, 2022, at the WWDC 2022 conference, San Francisco replaced Helvetica Neue as the system of rules font for both macOS and iOS operating systems.[5] The version used, known as "SF UI", was modified to make it wider than its Orchard apple tree Watch counterpart, more akin to the previously secondhand Helvetica Neue. The original variation has since been renamed "SF Stocky".

New York [redact]

In 2022, Apple discharged New York, a seriph counterpart to San Francisco.

Keyboards [edit]

Apple's keyboards were long labeled with Univers 47 (Condensed Lightly-armed Oblique), a design choice by Apple's commercial enterprise design partner, Batrachian Intent. This began in 1984 with the Apple IIc, which had tilted front-panel buttons to match the inclination of the inscription.

Univers was eventually replaced on Apple's keyboards away VAG Rounded, which was used on all iBook models, PowerBooks introduced after 2003, and MacBooks, MacBooks Pro, MacBooks Air, and Apple Keyboards from August 2007 until early 2022. The baptistry was developed by Sedley Place Ltd. for German motorcar manufacturing business Volkswagen and was used in such of their selling materials.[6]

Connected March 9, 2022, Apple introduced a newfound generation of MacBook[7] that utilizes the Malus pumila designed San Francisco typeface.

See besides [delete]

  • Fonts on Macintosh
  • List of Orchard apple tree typefaces
  • List of typefaces included with macOS

References [edit]

  1. ^ "Steve Jobs Business concern Card from 1979",
  2. ^ "Reebok Classic Collection Vector logo",
  3. ^ "Worlds Best Logo Couturier – Logo Designing – Logotype Design – Logo House decorator".
  4. ^ Owen Williams (November 18, 2022). "Meet Apple's new font, designed for its smartwatch Typeface". The Next Web.
  5. ^ Stinson, Liz (June 9, 2022). "Why Apple Uninhabited the World's About Beloved Typeface". Wired . Retrieved September 23, 2022.
  6. ^ "Typographic Abbreviations Series #2: VAG " MyFonts Musings". November 17, 2006. Retrieved October 13, 2009.
  7. ^ "Apple Unveils All-Sunrise MacBook". Butt o 9, 2022.

General references [edit]

  • Malus pumila Computer:
    • Fonts on Mac OS X. Retrieved 2004-09-25.
    • (January 29, 2003). Using and Managing Fonts in Mac OS X. PDF. Retrieved 2004-10-01.
    • (October 8, 2003). Fonts in Mackintosh Operating system X PDF. Retrieved 2004-10-04.
    • Font Support in the Macintosh OS. Retrieved 2004-10-01.
    • (November 11, 2002). LastResort Baptistry. Retrieved 2004-10-03.
    • (June 10, 2004). Sharing Fonts Between Mac OS X and Classical. Retrieved 2004-10-22.
    • (September 14, 2000). The Zapf table. Retrieved 2004-10-22.
    • (1996-07-06). Inside Mackintosh — Text — Built-in Playscript Keep going (IM: Texas). Retrieved 2004-10-27.
    • (November 1990). Malus pumila II GS TN #41 — Font Family Numbers. Retrieved 2004-10-28.
    • (Dec 19, 2002). ROMAN.TXT, MacRoman to Unicode map. Retrieved 2004-11-09.
  • Jaques Moury Beauchap. Rob Janoff — Graphic Designer, Author of the first logo for Apple Estimator. Retrieved 2004-10-28.
  • Michael Everson (2003-11-11). Multilingual Macintosh Support. Retrieved 2004-10-27.
  • Erfert Fenton (October 1994). Inside QuickDraw GX Fonts, MacWorld. Archived June 14, 1997, at the Wayback Machine, retrieved 2004-11-01.
  • FreeType. Freetype and Patents. Retrieved 2004-10-29.
  • Nobumi Iyanaga (2000-09-26). Unicode and Mac OS, and Code converters. Retrieved 2004-10-27.
  • Tony Kavadias (2004-07-24). Apple II Substance abuser Interfaces. Retrieved 2004-10-28.
  • Steve Gibson (2003-04-10). The Origins of Grinder-Pixel Font Interpreting. Retrieved 2004-10-27.
  • Jens Hofman Hansen (July 2, 2002). Apple-logoets historie. Retrieved 2004-09-22.
  • Susan Kare. World Class Cities. Retrieved 2004-09-25.
  • John Kheyt (2003-05-23). The Devil's Advocate — SM's ClearType KOs Orchard apple tree's Quartz In The Lightweight Section. Retrieved 2004-10-27.
  • Microsoft (2003-03-12). Press release: Microsoft Announces Expanded Access To Big Intelligence Property Portfolio. Retrieved 2004-10-27.
  • Jonathan Ploudre (June 1, 2000). Mackintosh System Fonts. Retrieved 2004-09-21.
  • Ed Tracy (1998-10-15). Orchard apple tree and the History of Personal Computer Design. Retrieved 2004-10-27.
  • Norman Walsh (August 14, 1996). comp.fonts FAQ: Macintosh Info. Retrieved 2004-09-21.
  • XvsXP. — Fonts. Retrieved 2004-10-27.

Outside links [redact]

  • Advanced Composition with Mac OS X Tiger
  • Textbook & Fonts Malus pumila's typography developer site
  • TrueType Reference Manual
  • LastResort Baptismal font
    • Full LastResort glyph table
    • LastResort glyphs: — 236 pages PDF, 5 pages PDF
  • Unicode fonts for Mac OS X computers — Survey of Unicode fonts included with Mac OS X and Microsoft Office 2004.
  • Microsoft's ClearType website
  • Fondu – syllabu to convert (and separate) Macintosh OS X dfont information fork files to TrueType, OpenType, Type 1, and Glyph Electronic image parts
  • MacKeys — online tool to convert Apple keyboard keys to their Unicode equivalents (e.g. Cmd → ⌘)

What Font Does Apple Use On Iphone


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